segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012

The Methods of Making Money From an Informational Product


Everybody wants information. This is why we search on Google, watch the news, read non-fiction, ask for help, etc. Consequentially, providing useful information online is the best and easiest way to make money on the internet. Everyone is looking for information, so if you can provide it you have the ability to profit. Think about how much time you spend online each day. How much of that time are you looking for answers or information? Probably a majority.

There are many different methods that you can use to give information to people and generate an income at the same time. Each method has a unique way of organizing the information and the user experience is different as a result. A lot of profitable websites sometimes provide their visitors with a combination of more than one of these methods. Think about which of the following method(s) would best suit you for your niche. (in no particular order):



A blog, short for “web-log”, is a great way to easily organize your information online because the blogging platform does all of the organizing for you. This website, for instance, is a blog. Whenever I want, I can log into my WordPress account, write in the “new post” area, click Publish and the website updates automatically.

It’s quick and easy, and the best part is that you can set up a Blog for free. There are many different blogging platforms, but the most popular seem to be and, so check those out if you would like more detailed information about blogging.



Easy to start, edit and manage your content

Builds an online community with your readers

Establishes you as an expert in your field

Blog can be used to promote a product of yours (i.e. an Ebook)

Can be free



There may be many similar blogs in the same niche already (how will you be different?)

It takes time (sometimes months or years) to establish yourself as an expert

Requires upkeep and constant attention to update content and respond to comments

How money is made:

Advertising. (Google Adsense, Text-Link Ads, Private Advertising, etc.)

Affiliate Links (Linking to a particular book and getting paid for leading a sale. for example)

Donations. Yes, if you provide useful information and a donation button, some people may be kind enough to donate to your cause.


Helpful Links:

9 Little Known Traits of Successful Bloggers at

How Bloggers Make Money from Blogs at

How to Get Started with a Blog (and why all writers should) at