quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

Ganhe dinheiro com os seus LINKS !

O adf.ly é uma forma simpática e simples de ganhar dinheiro. Se temos um link muito grande, ou mesmo um qualquer link, podemos fazer um tratamento de emagrecimento, e encurtar esse link usando o serviço disponibilizado pelo adf.ly.

A parte de ganhar dinheiro, é também muito simples. Basta fazer um registo no adf.ly, converter os nossos links, e depois quando qualquer pessoa clica no nossos links, ganha-se $0.00025 por clique..

Quando um Visitante clica no link (http://qualquercoisa.com, o Adf.ly, antes de conduzir o leitor para o verdadeiro destino, passa antes uma exposição publicitária. E é através dessa exposição que se ganha dinheiro.

Como disse, por cada vez que alguém clica num link convertido pelo Adf.ly, ganhamos $0.002, o que ao fim de 1000 cliques, dá qualquer coisa que como 2.00€ por 1000 cliques.

Depois de feitos $5 podemos pedir pagamento na área de membro do Adf.fly, inserindo o nosso endereço de PayPal.

Convenhamos que, e infelizmente, o valor pago por cada clique que alguém faz, não é nada de extardionário. Mas também, não custa assim muito, e não exige qualquer tipo de investimento.

Além de pagar cada vez que alguém clica num dos links transformados pelo Adf.fly, também se ganha pelos referidos que conseguirmos arranjar. Ganha-se sempre 20% dos ganhos dos nossos referidos. Para isso, basta referenciar novas pessoas para o site do Adf.fly utilizando o link disponibilizado no menu Referrals.


Are you addicted to the Internet?


quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012


This Domain is for sale.
For more Info contact.

How To Start Making Money Online with Mind Maps

My first full day of being laid off was absolutely a waste. I didn’t even leave the house or change out of my pajamas. Not because I was sad or depressed, but because I sat in front of my computer all day thinking of my next money making idea.
The problem with me is that when I start generating hundreds of ideas in my head, I don’t organize my thoughts. In general, things that are organized are successful. For me to have successful and organized ideas, I must find a way to organize the generation of those ideas in my head, before they are even thought through. I found that the best way to do this is to draw a mind map.

What’s a Mind Map?
According to wikipedia:
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.
The perfect tool for generating business ideas. There is actually a program called FreeMind that helps you with mind mapping on the computer, but I’d rather do this on paper.

How Mind Maps Work
The best part about a mind map is that as you’re generating ideas, the mind map expands them for you automatically. Plus, it’s like documenting what’s going on in your brain so you see the progression and flow of your thoughts.
I’m thinking about writing and selling another E-Book. The success I had with my first E-Book leads me to believe it has the absolute best profit-margin for any product that I could sell. 100% of the sale goes directly to me. Sweet. There’s actually a great article from Darren on Problogger about Mind Mapping for E-Books, which is where I first learned about the power of this tool.

So here is my actual Mind Map I created today (disclaimer: when drawing up a Mind Map, you shouldn’t edit while doing it or leave any ideas out. That “dumb” idea could actually be your most profitable, so just spill your mind.):

I’ve highlighted the central ideas for you, and you can see how the ideas expand from there. Looking at my Mind Map, I can see I have some potential ideas here. I could write about how to draft on AutoCad and include tips and tricks with instructions on how to work faster. I could write an E-Book about how to negotiate a salary or what to do when you get laid off. The possibilities are endless with this list. You can easily create your own, and see what your Mind Map tells you.
Now of course, I’ll be doing more research on the specific topics in my Mind Map, to see which ones have the most potential. I’ll go over this in a later post, but for now, just know that there is a lot of potential in each and every one of us. Just think about what you do during your day. What are you good at? Or on the other hand, what do you wish you had to make your day easier?

You Don’t Have to Be an Expert
You might look at your ideas and just shrug because you start thinking, “how will anyone pay me for this kind of stuff? I’m not even an expert!” My answer is, people will pay you. If you offer something people want, even though you’re not an expert, they will buy it.
It just may be an E-book that organizes information that’s already known or out there. I’d pay for something if it made my life easier, definitely. Don’t get yourself down, and in my next post, I’ll talk about how to do research to see which of your ideas has the most potential.

5 Reasons Your Next Big Idea Might Fail


You’ve just come up with an idea, and it’s the BEST idea you’ve ever had. You spend all of your time thinking about it. You eat, sleep and breath your new idea. After investing a good amount of time and effort, all of a sudden you lose interest, and stop. Does this happen to you?


This is a common pattern that is experienced by many entrepreneurs. A lot of times it’s because of the five following thoughts that circle our brains:


“I’m not getting anywhere.”

“I don’t know what to do next.”

“I don’t care anymore. Why Bother?”

“Maybe my idea isn’t so great after all.”

“That person is doing something similar already, and it’s way better.”

If you ever have one or more of these thoughts in your head at the same time, your big idea could ultimately be just that – an idea. Here are some helpful ways to flyswat these thoughts out of your head and get yourself back on track:

1. “I’m Not Getting Anywhere.”


You’ve put in hours of work, but it doesn’t feel like anything is getting done. Maybe things are going wrong, or you just don’t have anything to show for your efforts. Here is what you can do:


Break it down into mini-goals: Turn your goal into a bunch of smaller goals. This gives you the satisfaction of completion after each stage. As you complete each mini-goal you know that you’re one step closer to your main objective. Think about it…how crappy would Super Mario Brothers be if you had to play the game straight through without levels. We get a lot of satisfaction after completing each stage, knowing we’re one step closer to saving the princess and beating the game.

2. “I Don’t Know What to Do Next.”


You have a vision and you know what your ultimate goal is – you just need to find a way to get there. There are a few things you can do to help you find some direction:


Write Stuff Down: Seeing things on paper organizes the thoughts in our head. Similar to mind mapping, you can visualize your ideas and easily branch off of them to see what your next step should be. In addition you can use a checklist. Writing your steps down in chronological order and checking them off as you go is like having your own personal recipe for success.

Research: Luckily we have tons of information available right at our fingertips. If you run into a problem, just Google it! Chances are, there is someone else in the world who has had a similar situation that has already been answered.

Ask for Help: There’s nothing wrong with asking for advice. Just be polite and ask. I’ve personally emailed and spoke with quite a few experts regarding a number of issues, including blogging and marketing on the internet, and each response has been more than helpful.

Again, Break it Down: You may be thinking in such a large scale that it takes away your focus from the next task. Scale down your thoughts and think in terms of smaller goals so you can easily find some direction. You wouldn’t just take a trip to Paris without knowing how to get to the airport first, would you? Here is a handy quote I like to remember:

“Cinch by the inch, hard by the yard.”


3. “I Don’t Care Anymore. Why Bother?.”


For whatever reason, you’ve lost sight of why you are working so hard. When it come’s to motivation, there are a number of ways to get it back:


Rewind: Go back to when you first came up with your idea. Why was it so exciting to you? It had to be exciting for a reason, right? Of course! Whether it’s for the potential millions of dollars that you could earn, the freedom to spend time with your family in the future, or because your hard work is helping someone else – you should never forget the underlying reasons why you started in the first place.

Motivation Check: When I was a trumpet player in my high school marching band (yes, I was in band..and yes I’ve been to band camp) we’d march up and down the street for hours. When we got tired or bored, the trumpet section leader would yell, “TRUMPETS! MOTIVATION CHECK!” and the rest of us would answer in unison with a saying that was previously agreed upon. Usually we yelled, “TRUMPETS RULE!” or something like that, but no matter how geeky it seems, it hyped us up and got us going again. What’s your “Motivation Check?”

Display Your Favorite Quotes: On my wall, I have a few of my favorite motivational quotes printed and in plain sight. When I get stuck, they can be a quick and easy way to start working again. Here is my favorite:

“The Harder I Work, The Luckier I Become.” -Anonymous


Read An Inspirational Book: Right now, I’m reading Yanik Silver’s Moonlighting on the Internet. Darren from Problogger, who is also a great inspiration for me, is actually in this book too. The stories are great and really motivational. I read them when I’m bored, and I’m usually back on the computer in no time.

Take A Break: It’s amazing how a short break from what you’re doing can make you more productive in the long run. I usually rearrange my fantasy football team.

4. “Maybe My Idea Isn’t So Great After All.”


It’s really easy to believe that all of the work you are doing now will ultimately be for nothing. This is the thought that seems to pop into my head more so than any of the others. It’s definitely a downer, but here’s how you can rise above the occasion.


Think Positive Thoughts: Plain and simple. What good will come from thinking that your idea sucks? None whatsoever. After reading Michael Losier’s Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t, I really believe that both consciously and subconsciously, people’s thoughts dictate the reality of their lives. Think positive thoughts, and positive things will happen to you.

“Reach the Hole”: This is a golf term I think to myself when I’m putting. If I don’t reach the hole, I don’t even give myself a chance to sink the putt. Make sense? If you sell yourself short, your idea will have no chance to succeed.

Two words: Pet Rock.

5. “That Person is Doing Something Similar Already, and it’s Way Better.”


If you find your idea isn’t the most unique in the world and there are other’s like it in operation today, there’s absolutely no need to worry. It’s actually a great sign! That means your idea was such a good idea, that other’s are using it to make money already. There’s a market for it, and you’re about to join in on the fun.


The Dry Cleaners: How many dry cleaning places are there in any major city? To give you a rough number, I did a quick search of San Diego dry cleaners in the yellowpages and found a total of 605. Now how could all of those dry cleaners, 605 in total, all be running a business in San Diego? The answer is because it’s a good business! If you share an idea with someone that’s successful already, it’s a good sign that if you join that market, you could be successful too.

Make it Better: If you’re worried about why people will come and visit your website, use your services or buy your products, understand that people will come to you because you have something more to offer than your competition. Maybe it’s a certain product or bonus that only you offer. Maybe it’s the unique content in your niche blog. Maybe it’s the user experience or customer service that only you provide. If you’re exactly the same as the others, you’ll just disappear. If you offer something more or different, you’ll stand out.

Final Thought


I truly believe that projects and ideas are cut short not because of the actual idea, but because of these five thoughts that sometimes cross our minds. True, there can be bad ideas, but even the worst of ideas can be a success if the person behind them has the right attitude.


terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2012

Heinrich Hertz


Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (Hamburgo, 22 de Fevereiro de 1857 — Bonn, 1 de Janeiro de 1894[1]) foi um físico alemão que demonstrou a existência da radiação electromagnética criando aparelhos emissores e detectores de ondas de rádio.

Hertz pôs em evidência em 1888 a existência das ondas eletromagnéticas imaginadas por James Maxwell em 1873 (ver equações de Maxwell).

Heinrich Hertz.jpg


Hertz nasceu em Hamburgo a 22 de Fevereiro de 1857. Interessou-se desde muito cedo pela construção de mecanismos, tema que sempre o atraiu, mesmo enquanto trabalhou na área da física.

Levado por essa sua apetência, frequentou uma faculdade de engenharia durante dois anos. No entanto, a sua vontade de levar a cabo investigação científica fê-lo optar pela física, tendo ingressado na Universidade Humboldt de Berlim em 1878.

Obteve, em 1880, num trabalho proposto por Hermann von Helmholtz, seu professor, intitulado Sobre a Energia Cinética da Electricidade, um resultado excepcional, dada a pesquisa original que efectuara. Torna-se, nesse mesmo ano, assistente de von Helmholtz, ocupação durante a qual estuda a elasticidade dos gases e a propagação de descargas eléctricas através deles.

Três anos mais tarde, torna-se professor na Universidade de Kiel, onde inicia investigações sobre a electrodinâmica de Maxwell, a qual se opunha à electrodinâmica mecanicista e a anteriores teorias sobre a natureza da acção a distância.

Muda-se novamente em 1885, desta vez para Karlsruhe, onde leccionou na Escola Politécnica. Casa-se, um ano mais tarde, com Elisabeth Doll, filha de um seu colega professor.

A partir de 1883, ano da sua mudança para Kiel, descobre a produção e propagação das ondas electromagnéticas bem como formas de controlar a frequência das ondas produzidas. Todas essas experiências permitiram-lhe demonstrar a existência de radiação electromagnética, tal como previsto teoricamente por Maxwell.

A respeito das propriedades das ondas electromagnéticas, que Heinrich Rudolf Hertz passa a estudar, descobriu que a sua velocidade de propagação é igual à velocidade da luz no vácuo, que têm comportamento semelhante ao da luz, e que oscilam num plano que contém a direcção de propagação. Demonstrou também a refracção, reflexão e a polarização das ondas.

Em 1888, apresentou os resultados das suas experiências à comunidade científica, os quais obtiveram o sucesso merecido.

Cinco anos mais tarde, no início de 1893, Hertz adoece e é operado de um tumor na orelha. No entanto, no final desse ano, adoece de novo e, no dia 1 de Janeiro de 1894, antes de completar 37 anos, morre de bacteremia.

Encontra-se sepultado em Ohlsdorfer Friedhof, Hamburgo na Alemanha.[2]



Busto no campus da Universidade de Karlsruhe. Tradução: Neste local descobriu Heinrich Hertz as ondas eletromagnéticas nos anos 1885 — 1889

22 de Fevereiro de 1857 Hamburgo (Alemanha) nascimento. São seus pais Gustav Ferdinand Hertz, advogado, e Anna Elisabeth Pfefferkorn-Hertz

1863 — 1872 Aluno aplicado na escola do dr. Richard Lange

1872 Aluno no Johanneum Gymnasium em Hamburgo

1875 Após um ano de preparação especial é admitido para ingresso em uma universidade (Abitur). Antes de ingressar na vida universitária decide adquirir experiência em engenharia, indo residir em Frankfurt, a fim de trabalhar no departamento de obras públicas da cidade

1876 Estuda no Instituto Politécnico de Dresden

1877 Serviço militar em Berlim

1878 Ingressa na Universidade de Munique

1879 Estudante em Berlim, aluno de Gustav Kirchhoff e Hermann von Helmholtz no Instituto de Física

1880 Doutor em Física e em seguida assistente do Instituto de Física

1883 Mestre de conferência na Universidade de Kiel. Efetuou pesquisas sobre o eletromagnetismo

1885 Professor na Technische Hochschule de Karlsruhe

1886 Casamento com Elisabeth Doll

1887 Estudo das diversas teorias de Maxwell, Weber, Helmholtz. Construção de um oscilador.

1888 Trabalho e descoberta das ondas eletromagnéticas no ar (15 de março)

1889 Professor e pesquisador em Bonn

1890 Viagem à Inglaterra

1 de Janeiro de 1894 Falecimento em Bonn.


segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012

Membership Sites

A membership site is a website that can be accessed with a password. People usually pay a one time or monthly fee to become a member and gain access to the information inside. I think membership sites are a powerful way to generate an income online, and I’m hoping to get involved with this very soon.



Immediately creates a sense of membership and community within the site.

Continuously updating and providing information in this way can guarantee that people will stick around and keep feeding you money each month.

As an owner and administrator of a membership site, you’re immediately seen as “the expert”. This is powerful because it can help you bring more members in, and also have the ability to easily sell things to the members you already have. (Although, you should never become too greedy!)

The payment system in a membership website, and is kind of a snowball effect. For instance, month one, you have 10 paying members. The next month, you gain 10 more paying members, for a total of 20 paying members.



Creating a membership site definitely takes a lot of hard work, time, and effort. You want to make sure that you are able to give your members what they are paying for. If you don’t, they’ll feel betrayed and leave.

Again, it can be difficult to bring in members if you don’t have an established audience or reputation already. Some money may be needed to invest in marketing the membership website to be able to get it off the ground before it takes off.

Although money is generated automatically, you can’t just dissapear and leave the content static. It’s reassuring to the members if new there is new stuff available every once and a while, which is good because it decreases the potential number of cancellations.

How Money is Made:

Members will be charged a one-time lifetime fee or a monthly fee for access to the information on the site.

Helpful Links:

The Continuity Snowball at Continuityblueprint.com (warning: 30 minute video, but it’s worth it)

In addition to the methods above, you can also sell tools and templates, newsletters, audio or visual products, and learning methods.

As you can see, you have a lot of options to choose from. You can also combine two or more of the metods to create an even bigger resource for people – it’s really up to you and what you feel most comfortable with.

If you are in no rush to make money, I would recommend starting with a blog, building readership and trust, and then sell an ebook or start a membership program to take your informational marketing to the next level.



An Ebook, or electronic book, is also a fantastic way to organize information and distribute it to people. Usually Ebooks come in an EXE or PDF format and can be easily viewed on most computers. Ebooks are becoming even more popular today, especially with Amazon.com’s new Ebook reading device, “The Kindle,” out on the market.


If you write and sell it yourself, there is no printing press to pay (it’s electronic, no paper!), no publishers and no retailers to take a chunk of the profit. Practically 100% of each sale is all yours.

There’s little or no upkeep once it’s finished.

It can earn you money for a time.

It’s easy to set up an affiliate program to have other websites sell your book for you too.



An Ebook can take a lot of time to write.

It’s difficult to sell an Ebook from scratch. In other words, if you don’t have an established audience already (i.e. from a blog or membership website), finding people to purchase your book can be a challenge.

Once the Ebook is published and is sold, the information inside cannot be updated if, for example, something you wrote has become outdated. This is why you’ll see different editions or versions of books come out sometimes.

How Money is Made:


Visitors click on a “Buy Now” button on your website, which takes them to a form to fill out with their billing information. After processing, money is put into your account.

Clickbank.com and E-Junkie.com are the top two methods of selling electronic files online. I prefer E-Junkie, because they will also deliver the product for you, and they don’t take any money from your sales. Clickbank, however, has a better affiliate program, which is also important.

If you start an affiliate program, you can find affiliates who will sell your Ebook for you off of their website. You pay your affiliates a small “finder’s fee” for bringing in the sale.

Through an ebook distributing website such as Amazon or Ebooks.com.

Helpful Links:


How to Create Ebooks That Sell at Copyblogger.com

11 Tried and Tested Strategies To Market Your Ebook at BloggingBits.com

How to Create and Publish Your Own Ebook with a $0 Budget at SkellieWag.org


The Methods of Making Money From an Informational Product


Everybody wants information. This is why we search on Google, watch the news, read non-fiction, ask for help, etc. Consequentially, providing useful information online is the best and easiest way to make money on the internet. Everyone is looking for information, so if you can provide it you have the ability to profit. Think about how much time you spend online each day. How much of that time are you looking for answers or information? Probably a majority.

There are many different methods that you can use to give information to people and generate an income at the same time. Each method has a unique way of organizing the information and the user experience is different as a result. A lot of profitable websites sometimes provide their visitors with a combination of more than one of these methods. Think about which of the following method(s) would best suit you for your niche. (in no particular order):



A blog, short for “web-log”, is a great way to easily organize your information online because the blogging platform does all of the organizing for you. This website, for instance, is a blog. Whenever I want, I can log into my WordPress account, write in the “new post” area, click Publish and the website updates automatically.

It’s quick and easy, and the best part is that you can set up a Blog for free. There are many different blogging platforms, but the most popular seem to be WordPress.com and Blogger.com, so check those out if you would like more detailed information about blogging.



Easy to start, edit and manage your content

Builds an online community with your readers

Establishes you as an expert in your field

Blog can be used to promote a product of yours (i.e. an Ebook)

Can be free



There may be many similar blogs in the same niche already (how will you be different?)

It takes time (sometimes months or years) to establish yourself as an expert

Requires upkeep and constant attention to update content and respond to comments

How money is made:

Advertising. (Google Adsense, Text-Link Ads, Private Advertising, etc.)

Affiliate Links (Linking to a particular book and getting paid for leading a sale. Amazon.com for example)

Donations. Yes, if you provide useful information and a donation button, some people may be kind enough to donate to your cause.


Helpful Links:

9 Little Known Traits of Successful Bloggers at Copyblogger.com

How Bloggers Make Money from Blogs at Problogger.net

How to Get Started with a Blog (and why all writers should) at WritingforyourWealth.com

Passive Income as a Lifestyle Design Aid

The question that I’ve been pondering lately is this: what exactly is lifestyle design?
It was only a few weeks ago that I first heard the term lifestyle design. I had no idea what that meant exactly, but in very basic terms I knew that a lifestyle was how someone lives, and to design something is to create it. But, to create your own lifestyle? I had to do some more research…
Lifestyle design is such a new term that it’s not even on Wikipedia yet, but successful internet business gurus are using it like we use air to breathe. So, I decided to do some research, because I want to be an internet business guru someday too.
I learned that lifestyle design, actually creating your own lifestyle and living how you want to live, is something that is very real. People like Timothy Ferris, author of The 4-Hour work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, has done things in his life to live exactly how he wants to live. He’s a national Chinese Kickboxing Champion, a breakdancer in Taiwan, actor and a multi-millionaire. Oh, and of course, he works only 4 hours a week.
I’m not going to do a review on his book or talk much about him, but I will say that you probably think that his life is the way it is because of the decisions and actions he has made. Although that’s true, the way we describe him with respect to lifestyle design is the other way around:
“He took specific actions and made specific decisions based on the kind of life he wants to live.”
I think that most people, myself included, never really think about the exact lifestyle that we want to live. Yes, we do have goals and work really hard for them, and I have always seen the goals (retirement, millions of dollars, owning a company), but never really the lifestyle – or how my daily life would be.
We make decisions and work hard for our goals, but do we do the same for our ideal lifestyle?
If someone has earned $500,000 in a year, they may have reached or surpassed their goal. But if it took them 90 hours a week to get there, they may not be living their ideal lifestyle. See the difference?
Passive Income as a Lifestyle Design Aid
It’s a fact that everybody will have different ideas of what their ideal lifestyle should be. You have to really think about it, deep down inside about how exactly you want your life to be. That being said, if you earn a passive income, you have the ability to more easily design your own lifestyle. That extra paycheck in your bank account not only gives you more money, it can also give you more time and freedom to do whatever it is you want to do.
For example, I actually enjoy working in an office. At the same time, I don’t want to work 8 hours a day because I’d rather spend more time with my family. Earning a passive income would allow me to do this because I could just work part-time while earning the same amount of money (maybe even more) as if I was working 8 hours a day with earning no passive income.
Also, my fiancee and I love to travel. Say we want to take a one month vacation in an exotic place each year. Why do I have to use the money from the income I already make? I can just create a new passive income stream (a new product, website, what have you) and use that money for traveling. That way, I don’t risk an effect on the other parts of my life. I’m designing my own lifestyle.
Also, the realization is that while I’m on vacation,  I’m still making money. Would I have to work while on vacation? Absolutely not! Why? Because I designed my income streams to be automatic! See how that works?
It’s not about working X hours for X dollars. It’s about working hard now, so you can reap the benefits and live how you want later. A passive income creates freedom.
Yes, it’s definitely easier said than done, obviously – but with some hard work and determination, and hopefully through our experiences that I’ll talk about here, we’ll be able to design the lifestyle we want using the benefits of earning a passive income, which we are working for today.

sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

Spy SMS (Android App)

Worried about your kids getting involved into illegal activities? 
Worried if your spouse is having extra marital affair? 

Worry no more, with SPY SMS you can read target person's incoming and outgoing sms on the web without anyone's knowledge.  Click Here!

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012

What ?

Como ganhar dinheiro na Internet ?

Como ganhar dinheiro na Internet ? : Click Here!

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

How the Internet Is Changing Advertising

How to Foolproof Your Budget

Mais de um milhão de chamadas para fixos e móveis através do Google no primeiro dia do serviço

O novo serviço telefónico do Gmail, o servidor de correio electrónico da Google, processou mais de um milhão de chamadas nas primeiras 24 horas de funcionamento, para fixos e móveis, informou a empresa através do Twitter. O serviço está apenas disponível - por enquanto - nos EUA e Canadá.

A Google lança esta oferta quando o líder mundial em chamadas VoIP, o Skype, prepara a sua entrada na Bolsa de Nova Iorque

A Google lança esta oferta quando o líder mundial em chamadas VoIP, o Skype, prepara a sua entrada na Bolsa de Nova Iorque (Robert Galbraith/Reuters)


O Gmail disponibilizava já um serviço que permite aos seus utilizadores falarem entre si através de chamadas e videoconferência entre computadores, mas não dava a possibilidade de comunicação com telefones fixos e móveis. A partir de agora, qualquer utilizador do Gmail tem a possibilidade de ligar directamente para telefones.




Na quarta-feira, a Google informou que pusera em marcha esta nova aplicação, que pode vir a constituir uma dura concorrência para o Skype, que domina o mercado de telefonemas via Net, com mais de 500 milhões de usuários. As chamadas através da Google (via tecnologia VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol) podem vir a custar dois centavos de dólar por minuto, um preço muito inferior aos praticados pelas companhias telefónicas tradicionais.


 O sistema de chamadas da Google - que já tinha o Google Talk e Google Voice - para fixos e móveis está disponível na parte esquerda do Gmail, dentro dos contactos do chat e dá a opção de realizar chamadas directamente para outro utilizador do mail, para um telefone tradicional (fixo) ou para um telemóvel.

A Google lança esta oferta quando o líder mundial em chamadas VoIP, o Skype, prepara a sua entrada na Bolsa de Nova Iorque. Com esta oferta pública, a empresa com sede no Luxemburgo espera arrecadar 100 milhões de dólares. O Skype contava no primeiro semestre com 560 milhões de utilizadores registados em todo o mundo, que realizaram 95 mil milhões de chamadas de voz e vídeo. Os lucros ascenderam a 406,2 milhões de dólares (307 milhões de euros).

Este tipo de operadoras são um desafio para as empresas tradicionais de telecomunicações, uma vez que permitem conversas grátis entre computadores e pacotes muito competitivos (pagos online através de cartão de crédito) para ligar para fixos e móveis.


quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Acenda e acesse - internet wireless via lâmpadas LED está em estudo.

Academia Chinesa de Ciências afirma que LED em diodos podem transmitir dados!

Você já imaginou como seria a vida sem internet? É impossível pensar nisso hoje. A popularização deste meio de comunicação foi tamanha que já é possível acessar a internet de quase todos os lugares. Shoppings, restaurantes, ônibus e agora até aviões disponibilizam para seus usuários meios de acessar a rede mundial de computadores.
As tecnologias de acesso à internet são as mais variadas: cabo de rede, Bluetooth, wireless, 3G, rádio. E esta lista é capaz de aumentar. Estudos feitos na China podem trazer uma grande novidade para todos os usuários. É a conexão com a internet por meio de lâmpadas de LED. Isso mesmo, é acender a luz e aproveitar para acessar seus emails!
Faça-se a luz!

Internet na luz? Como assim?
A Chinese Academy of Sciences (Academia Chinesa de Ciências) está realizando estudos que prometem tornar possível a transmissão do sinal da internet, e também de dados, por meio de lâmpadas de LED. Eles já conseguiram estabelecer uma conexão de 2 Mb, mas as pesquisas prometem velocidades muito maiores.
O sinal é transmitido para os aparelhos com o piscar da lâmpada. Calma, as luzes piscam de forma bem leve, imperceptível ao olho humano. Dessa maneira a lâmpada pode ser utilizada para iluminação ao mesmo tempo em que permite ao usuário se conectar à internet e transmitir dados para os demais dispositivos conectados à rede.
A conexão ainda não chega à casa dos Gigabits, mas é bem melhor alguns Megabits de transmissão do que nada. Cientistas da College of Engineering Boston University também estão envolvidos nas pesquisas e prometem conseguir dobrar a velocidade de 2 Megabits.

Tem previsão para ser "lançada"?
Por se tratar de uma pesquisa antiga, que só agora produziu resultados satisfatórios, é difícil dizer quando esta tecnologia será utilizada por todos. No entanto, ela evolui a uma velocidade que quase não conseguimos acompanhar. Por isso não deve demorar muito para que os primeiros protótipos funcionais comecem a ser lançados.
Quais os benefícios frente à internet normal?
A primeira vantagem citada pelos cientistas na utilização do LED para transmissão de dados é o fato de ele ser mais seguro. Isso porque qualquer alteração na frequência com a qual os LED piscam pode fazer com o dispositivo perca a conexão ou mesmo que o usuário perceba, além de ser bem mais trabalhoso invadir.
Outra vantagem é a qualidade do sinal. Mesmo que haja uma grossa parede que separa o quarto da sala, o sinal de transmissão tende a ser o melhor em qualquer ambiente. Isso porque o ponto de transmissão não está mais concentrado em um único aparelho, mas sim pela casa inteira, se assim o usuário desejar.
Agora as notícias ruins...
Obviamente não há apenas vantagens na utilização deste tipo de tecnologia. O primeiro problema encontrado no uso de lâmpadas de LED para transmitir dados é o fato de lâmpadas, mesmo as de LED, possuírem uma vida útil curta se comparada ao tempo de uso de um roteador. Além disso, elas não são tão baratas quanto um cabo de rede.
Mesmo que não seja perceptível aos olhos do ser humano, para transmitir os dados é preciso que a lâmpada pisque. Como muitos sabem, quando uma lâmpada pisca muito, estraga mais rápido.
Para utilizar a internet é preciso que luz fique ligada. Com isso o consumo de energia aumenta consideravelmente, pois mesmo durante o dia seria necessário manter as luzes ligadas.
Embora os cientistas garantam que esta tecnologia é mais segura, toda rede está sujeita a ataques de hackers, o que exige meios de se proteger para manter as pragas longe do seu computador. Novas tecnologias normalmente exigem novas soluções de segurança.
Para fazer muito mais do que iluminar!
Não há como negar que a ideia de transmitir dados por meio de lâmpadas de LED é, no mínimo, curiosa. Os pesquisadores estão sempre buscando alternativas a fim de tornar a vida do usuário mais fácil e que levem a internet para mais perto de todos, independentemente da tecnologia utilizada.
E você, caro usuário, o que acha da nova tecnologia? Mesmo que a pesquisa ainda não tenha saído dos laboratórios, já é possível ter uma ideia do que pode dar certo e o que pode tornar-se um problema. Não deixe de enviar seu comentário e expor sua opinião a respeito.

Empresa cria acesso à internet através da luz

Empresa cria acesso à internet através da luz

SÃO PAULO – Uma empresa dos Estados Unidos desenvolveu uma tecnologia para que computadores acessem a internet utilizando um sistema de iluminação para fornecer a conexão sem fio.

O sistema foi criado para servir de opção às redes wireless que utilizam ondas de rádio para se propagar, desafogando assim as frequências que são utilizadas por diversos aparelhos como celulares, televisão, entre outros.

Chamado de LVX (“Luz” em latim), o sistema, criado por John Pederson, permite transmitir informações através de pulsações luminosas, que são captadas por um sensor conectado ao computador.

A chamada “internet por luz” é ideal para distâncias menores e chega a transmitir dados com velocidades de até 3 Mbps, de acordo com Pederson. Para realizar a transmissão  a aparelhagem recebe as informações em formato binário (zeros e uns).

Um conjunto de LEDs é instalado em um local de boa visibilidade (como o teto de uma sala) e as luzes piscam seguindo o ritmo dos dados, ascendendo a cada “1” e apagando quando o valor transmitido for “0”.

Esta luz enviada chega ao receptor que está ligado ao computador, que interpreta os valores binários e carrega os dados da internet. O caminho inverso também é possível, ao conectar luzes no computador e enviar uma mensagem para o equipamento de LEDs instalado.

A prefeitura de St. Cloud, no estado de Minnesota nos EUA, será a primeira a receber a nova tecnologia ainda este ano. Em 2011 a tecnologia deve ser melhorada para atingir velocidades maiores e entrar no mercado de serviços banda larga pela rede elétrica.

Confira o vídeo feito pela empresa, mostrando como funciona a tecnologia.